We have a new look

Last month I saw an article on the WordPress blog about the new theme Fictive. I’d been wanting to change the theme here and never found a theme I was truly happy with. Until now.

The biggest problem I have with picking themes is that I get pretty picky about how things look, and since this site supports my writing I’m even fussier about how it looks. I’ve seen some great themes that I liked except they were more for photographers and artists and not writers. This theme seems to do everything I want it to, although I generally prefer a right hand sidebar. The best thing about this theme is that it works beautifully for viewing it on a computer screen, a tablet or a smart phone.

The one thing I’m not entirely happy with is the color scheme, but I can’t change that with this theme unless I get the Custom Design upgrade.

What do you guys think? Do you like the new look? Should I go back to the old theme? Should I look for another theme altogether? Let me know in the comments.

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