A small change to the page for “Somewhere… and More”

I realized the other day that the page I created for my ebook Somewhere… and More doesn’t have the links to the week or previews I posted before the book was published. That’s now corrected so if you’re thinking of getting it you can easily find six excerpts from the book to help you decide that you want to get it.

The page also has links to the eight online stores where you can find it, and I’m looking forward to being able to add Scribd to that page and the pages for all of my ebooks now that Smashwords is distributing to them.

If you’ve gotten Somewhere… and More, or any of my ebooks, please consider writing a review on the site where you got them. Every review helps people find my ebooks, and if you write a review somewhere (positive or negative) please let me know where it is so I can put a link to it on the ebook’s page. One day I’m going to find something nice to do for my reviewers and the only way I’ll know who they are is if they let me know.

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