The kitten coverage is back

This article was written with the assistance of Grammerly’s AI tool. It improved several things, and anything that is hard to read is my fault, not the AI’s. -JMH

Two weeks ago, I was feeling overwhelmed with everything that life was throwing at me. In an effort to simplify my life, I decided not to adopt any of Babe’s babies. Things have cleared up quite a bit, and I’m ready to welcome Lulubelle back into my life as Dave and Vivi get ready to go to live with Max. So the kitten coverage is back on My Two Lives.

I need to write articles for the kittens’ third week of pictures, not to mention their life beyond their third week, and I hope to do that this week. I don’t have many pictures from the past three weeks, so I also need to take pictures of them now.

Gizmo (née Chuck) will be staying with Babe’s primary human, although he seems to be spending more time with me than with Bobby. I don’t mind, except when he wakes me up three hours before I had planned on getting up and head-butts my face in such a way that he blocks off my airflow.

My new laptop arrived a week ago, but there was an issue with the initial power-up. I have a replacement laptop on the way. I will share the whole experience once I receive a properly functioning laptop.

I must say that when I contacted System76, the company making my laptop, about the problem, they didn’t hesitate at all once I showed them the issue. I chose to buy a laptop from them based on the great things I had heard, and so far they are handling the problem beautifully.

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