A Words Lover’s Alphabet

[Updated 20 November 2014 to add some links and to fix some errors that slipped through when I published it a year ago.]

Even before I began writing I’ve loved words. I love that a word can mean something specific, and as long as the person you’re speaking to know the word the way you know it there’s no chance of mis-communication because the words (usually) always means what it means.

Earlier this year I was thinking of some of my favorite words, and earlier this month I decided to come up with a list of my favorite words, one for each letter of the alphabet. Some of my favorite words may have a special meaning to me, and some words have come to mean something different from when I was growing up back in New Orleans, but they’re my favorite words and I’ll admit that a few have my own special little twist on them. more “A Words Lover’s Alphabet”