“He’s With the Band” gets reviewd by Quiet Lilac

Updated 6 September: Please forgive my tardiness in posting this but it turns out that A.D.Pomeroy, the man behind Dictionary Corner, had to shut the site down due to time commitments. Luckily he moved the review to his other site, Quiet Lilac. I’ve changed the links below to point to the new location. Part of his review also graces the back of the paperback version of He’s With the Band, and I’m glad he allowed me to use his review there.

This morning I saw that one of my fellow WordPress.com bloggers, dictionarycorner, has reviewed “He’s With the Band.” He makes some great points, and as I continue working on my mystery I’m definitely going to keep his comments in mind. more ““He’s With the Band” gets reviewd by Quiet Lilac”