I’m now on Bloglovin!

Today as I was checking up on things WordPress.com (the company that hosts this site) I saw a post about Bloglovin. It looks like a great way to keep up with blogs you love and this site is now available on it. I look forward to seeing what other sites are on it, although I’ll have to make a point to not spend so much time on Bloglovin that I spend even less time actually writing. Tux knows I don’t do nearly enough writing as it is.

Follow Words from an Author with Bloglovin.

My new most favorite quote? Of course it’s from AFP.

A couple of days ago I got an email from my hero, Amanda Freaking Palmer, and she gave us an update on the book she’s written. In the post is a link to a story about making the cover and she said something that may be my newest favorite quote:

i asked a friend of mine who writes REAL books about this feeling and he said: yes, that’s why i can’t stop writing books. so books are crack, basically. that’s nice to know.

Books are crack. I can dig it, which may explain why I hate having to admit that I haven’t done anything new lately on the rewrite of He’s With the Band. (The quote came from here but I have to warn you that the images in the post are not all safe for work [they get NSFW in other words].)

I have a new scene that I started working on longhand and I just discovered that it never did get typed up. I”ll see about bringing the notebook in tomorrow and typing it up so I can see about getting you all a preview of what’s coming. That is it’s coming if I can ever get it finished. *g*

Have a great weekend, y’all. I’ll try to have something new for you guys (and gals) to read soon, even if it’s just a sneak preview of the HWTB rewrite.

Coming Soon: J.M. Hardin: The Kickstarter Campaign?

I’ve been kicking around an idea for a book to write after I finish the rewrite of He’s With the Band. It’s a book of photographs of Franklin Park here in Boston’s Jamaica Plain neighborhood. I’ve seen some nice books about Franklin Park but the ones I’ve seen have older pictures, and while there’s some nice sites with pictures of the park there’s no book of recent pictures. The idea is for it to be partly a travel book, but more a book for Boston residents (and former residents) to use to get more out of our beautiful park.

My biggest problem: I need some new gear to make the book and my budget for it is nonexistent, so I’m going to turn to Kickstarter to try to fund the equipment I’ll need to make the book. more “Coming Soon: J.M. Hardin: The Kickstarter Campaign?”

My favorite search engine has gotten even better

Search better at DuckDuckGo.comI love using DuckDuckGo for my search engine. Not only do they refuse to track you and what you search for, giving you the same results your friend gets and without showing you ads for things you search for a few days later , they also make searching specific websites a lot easier with !bang commands. And with their recent redesign they’re even more helpful than ever. more “My favorite search engine has gotten even better”